Scripts: C :: Data processing :: Library Article #2
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Processing Data from standard input By: Erobo Team Member
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The following program demonstrates how to process data from standard input.
In this example we will be using scanf and fgets to process data coming from standard input:
| Code Snippet 1 |
#include <time.h>
#include <decimal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define AREA_1_EMP 1
#define AREA_2_EMP 2
#define aREA_3_EMP 3
#define Manager_1_EMP 4
#define Manager_2_EMP 5
#define Manager_3_EMP 11
#define General_Manager 12
#define BOSS_2 13
typedef unsigned char text;
typedef signed int sint;
/* Using C processing standard input */
/*Prompt the user to enter information in C */
sint sal, empno, deptno, emp_sal;
text *empName, *jobDescription, *depName, *strRes;
time_t currtime;
decimal(9,0) theTime;
char charTime[10] = {0};
theTime = atoi(charTime);
printf("New Employee (Data Entry) - date: theTime = %D(9,0) \n", theTime);
/* Prompt for employee name. */
printf("\nEnter employee name (or CR to EXIT): ");
fgets((char *) empName, sizeof empName, stdin);
strRes = (text *) strchr((char *) empName, '\n');
/* Prompt for the employee's salary. */
printf("Enter new employee salary: ");
scanf("%d", &sal);
emp_sal = (sal <= 0) ? 0 : sal; /* set salary variable */
printf("Enter employee Number: ");
scanf("%d", &empno);
printf("Enter department Number: ");
scanf("%d", &deptno);
printf("\n\n%s added to the department Number %d as employee
number %d\n", empName, deptno, empno);
/* additional information may be used. */
See other Scripts in Data processing |
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