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Create a Scrollable Div using CSS
By: Erobo Team Member

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Learn simple css tricks to create a scrollable div.

The CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) properties overflow, x-overflow and y-overflow can help you create a very simple scrollable div for your documents.

For example:

Vertical Scroller using CSS

This is line 1 - keep Scrolling

This is line 2 - keep Scrolling

This is line 3 - keep Scrolling

This is line 4 - keep Scrolling

This is line 5 - keep Scrolling

This is line 6 - keep Scrolling

This is line 7 - keep Scrolling

This is line 8 - keep Scrolling

This is line 9 - keep Scrolling

This is line 10 - keep Scrolling

This is line 11 - keep Scrolling

This is line 12 - keep Scrolling

Code for Vertical Scroller using CSS:

 Code Snippet 1

<!--include style CSS and overflow properties-->
<style type="text/css">
.scrollVertical {
border: 1px solid #667;
<!-- end of style -->
<div class="scrollVertical">
<p>This is line 1 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 2 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 3 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 4 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 5 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 6 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 7 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 8 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 9 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 10 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 11 - keep Scrolling</p>
<p>This is line 12 - keep Scrolling</p>

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