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Validate Dates using Javascript
By: Erobo Team Member

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Learn a simple technique to validate your input dates.

In this tutorial we will be creating a prototype method in Javascript that will help us validate any date entered from the user's input. The function will take two arguments:

Argument 1: Target Delimiter. e.g. how the user should separate the digits. Common delimiters are '/' or '-'.

Argument 2: Target Format. The order of the year (y), the month (m) and the day (d). Common formats are 'mdy', or 'ymd'.

Example Script:

Enter a Date to Validate:

Now, let's take a look at the code:

 Code Snippet 1

<script language="javascript">
    //Declare legal characters
    var LC = "1234567890" + s;
    //Clean white space from user's input
    //If a weird character is found then return false
    var TA = val.split(" ");
    var TTW = "";
    var newVal = "";
    for(var x = 0; x < TA.length; x++) {
      if(TA[x] != "" && isNaN(TA[x])) {
        for(var w = 0; w < TA[x].length; w++) {
          if(LC.indexOf(TA[x].charAt(w)) == -1){
            return false;
        TTW = TA[x]; 
        newVal= newVal + TTW.toLowerCase();
    val = newVal;

    for(var i=0;i<3;i++){
      switch (f.slice(i,i+1)){
        case "y":
        case "m":
        case "d":
          return false;
      return false;
    var ary=val.split(s,3);
    var YY=parseInt(ary[y],10);
    var MM=parseInt(ary[m],10);
    var DD=parseInt(ary[d],10);
    var L=false;
      return false;
      return false;
      return false;
      return false;
        return false;
        return false;
    return true;
    return false;



  Enter a  Date to Validate: 
  <input type="text" name="mydate1" value="">
  <input type="button" name="validate" 
  value="Validate Dates of the Form mm/dd/yyyy" 
  if(this.form.mydate1.value.ValidateDate('/','mdy') == true) {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate1.value + ' is valid!')
  } else {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate1.value + ' is invalid!')
  <input type="text" name="mydate2" value="" ID="Text1">
  <input type="button" name="validate" 
  value="Validate Dates of the Form yyyy/mm/dd" 
  if(this.form.mydate2.value.ValidateDate('/','ymd') == true) {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate2.value + ' is valid!')
  } else {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate2.value + ' is invalid!')
  <input type="text" name="mydate3" value="" ID="Text2">
  <input type="button" name="validate" 
  value="Validate Dates of the Form mm-dd-yyyy" 
  if(this.form.mydate3.value.ValidateDate('-','mdy') == true) {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate3.value + ' is valid!')
  } else {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate3.value + ' is invalid!')
  <input type="text" name="mydate4" value="" ID="Text3">
  <input type="button" name="validate" 
  value="Validate Dates of the Form yyyy-mm-dd" 
  if(this.form.mydate4.value.ValidateDate('-','ymd') == true) {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate4.value + ' is valid!')
  } else {
    alert('the date:' + this.form.mydate4.value + ' is invalid!')


And that's it for now, Hope you learned something new today!.

See other Scripts in Date and time functions


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