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Adding and Subtracting days to a Date Object in Javascript
By: Erobo Team Member

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Learn a prototype method that can be used to create new date objects by adding / subtracting days to an existing date object.

In this tutorial you will learn a new Javascript prototype method that adds or subtracts days to a date object. This method will take as input a positive or negative integer number. When adding days you must enter a positive integer number, and a negative integer number when going back into the past. The object returned by this method can then be used to get the new resulting date object.


Add or subtract days to the date above:

The resulting date is:

Now Let's take a look at the Code Step by Step:

Create the prototype Date method: addDays(int value)

 Code Snippet 1

<script language="javascript">
Date.prototype.addDays =function(s)

  var targetDays = parseInt(s)
  var thisYear = parseInt(this.getFullYear())
  var thisDays = parseInt(this.getDate())
  var thisMonth = parseInt(this.getMonth() + 1)

  var currDays = thisDays;
  var currMonth = thisMonth;
  var currYear = thisYear;

  var monthArr;

  var nonleap = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];  
  // leap year 
  var leap = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];  

  if ((thisYear % 4) == 0) {    
    if ((thisYear % 100) == 0 && (thisYear % 400) != 0) { monthArr = nonleap; } 
    else { monthArr = leap; }  
  else {  monthArr = nonleap; } 

  var daysCounter = 0;
  var numDays = 0;
  var monthDays = 0;

  if( targetDays < 0) {

    while(daysCounter < (targetDays * -1) ) {

      if(daysCounter == 0) {
        if((targetDays * -1) < thisDays) {
        } else {
          daysCounter = thisDays;
      }else {
        numDays = monthArr[currMonth - 1];
        daysCounter += parseInt(numDays)

      if(daysCounter > (targetDays * -1) ) {

      currMonth = currMonth - 1;

      if(currMonth == 0) {
        currYear = currYear - 1;
        if ((currYear % 4) == 0) { 
          if ((currYear % 100) == 0 && (currYear % 400) != 0) { monthArr = nonleap; } 
          else { monthArr = leap; }  
        else {  monthArr = nonleap; } 
        currMonth = 12;
    t = this.getTime();
    t += (targetDays * 86400000);
    var thisDate = new Date(currYear,currMonth - 1,this.getDate())
    return thisDate;
  } else {

    var diffDays = monthArr[currMonth - 1] - thisDays;
    numDays = 0;
    var startedC = true;

    while(daysCounter < targetDays  ) {

      if(daysCounter == 0 && startedC == true) {
        monthDays = thisDays;
        startedC = false;
      }else {
        if(monthDays > monthArr[currMonth - 1]){
          currMonth = currMonth + 1;
          monthDays = 1;
      if(daysCounter > targetDays) {
      if(currMonth == 13) {
        currYear = currYear + 1;
        if ((currYear % 4) == 0) { 
          if ((currYear % 100) == 0 && (currYear % 400) != 0) { monthArr = nonleap; } 
          else { monthArr = leap; }  
        else {  monthArr = nonleap; } 
        currMonth = 1;
    var thisDate = new Date(currYear,currMonth - 1,monthDays)
    return thisDate;


Create a simple set of inputs to test our prototype method:

 Code Snippet 2

<input type="text" name="todaysDate" id="todaysDate" value="">  <br>
<script language="javascript">
//assign an initial date
var todaysDate = new Date()
document.getElementById("todaysDate").value = (todaysDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" +
                                              todaysDate.getDate() + "/" +
Add or substract days to the date above:<br> 
<input type="text" name="daysInput" id="daysInput" value="" size="3">
<input type="button" name="Add/Subtract" value="go" 
//get our initial date
var dateStr = document.getElementById('todaysDate').value

if(dateStr.length > 0 && dateStr.indexOf('/') != -1) {
  var dateArr = dateStr.split('/')
  if(dateArr.length == 3) {
    //create a new date object with the initial date
    var dateObj = new Date(dateArr[2],(dateArr[0] - 1), dateArr[1])
    //call our new prototype method to add days to a date object
    var newDate = dateObj.addDays(document.getElementById('daysInput').value)
    //our newdate object will contain the result from our operation.
    document.getElementById('resultingDate').value = (newDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' +
                                              newDate.getDate() + '/' +
  } else {
    alert('The date entered is invalid')

The resulting date is: <input type="text" name="resultingDate" id="resultingDate" value="">

Finally this prototype method can be very helpful. Especially when selecting date range for inputs on your forms!.

Good Luck!!

See other Scripts in Date and Time Functions


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