' this program converts Microsoft SQL Server databases to MySQL databases' (c) 2001-2005 Michael Kofler' http://www.kofler.cc/mysql' mssql2mysql-at-kofler.cc' LICENSE: GPL (Gnu Public License)' VERSION: 0.12 (Mar 31st 2005)'' HISTORY:' 0.01 (Jan. 18 2001): initial version' 0.02 (June 23 2001): better handling of decimal numbers' by ' 0.03 (August 7 2001): compatibility with Office 97' by ' (uncomment Replace function at the end of the script!)' 0.04 (September 30 2001): slightly faster (ideas by' janivar-at-acos.no)' 0.05 (April 8 2002): compatible with MyODBC 3.51' (set variable MyODBCVersion accordingly!)' thanks to Silvio Iaccarino' 0.05a (October 17 2002): support for BIGINT' thanks to Ugo Gioia' 0.06 (December 18 2002): support for adBinary (thanks to Roberto Alicata)' changed handling of TIMESTAMP (Michael Kofler):' TIMESTAMP (MSSQL) --> TINYBLOB (MySQL)' 0.07 (Jan. 27th 2003): support no-standard ports for MySQL' 0.08 (Apr. 30th 2003): Boolean now converts to 1/0 instead of -1/0' for True/False (Michael Kofler)' 0.09 (Aug. 19th 2003): better GUID conversion (Hermann Wiesner)' 0.10 (Nov. 12th 2003): better handling of table and field names' in function MySQLName (Carlo)' 0.11 (Mar. 2nd 2005): needs MySQL 4.1 or higher!' new functions: - supports myisam and innodb tables' - per default all text columns are now created with character' set utf8and collation utf8_general_ci; you may choose another' charset + collation (constants CHARSET and COLLATION)' 0.12 (Mar. 31st 2005): ignores hypothetical indexes (thanks to Brian K. Andersen)' 0.13 (Jul. 9 2008): -deleteling table parent in create table clause' -primary key clause compatible with latest version Mysql' -disabled NT SECURITY OPTION' -output to file enabled as default' (Erobo Software Team Member)' USEAGE:' 1) copy this code into a new VBA 6 module' (i.e. start Excel 2000 or Word 2000 or another' program with VBA editor, hit Alt+F11, execute' Insert|Module, insert code)' OR copy code into an empty form of a new VB6 project'' 2) change the constants at the beginning of the code,' 3) hit F5 and execute Main()' the program now connects to Microsoft SQL Server' and converts the database; the resulting SQL commands' are either saved in an ASCII file or executed immediately' FUNCTION:' converts both schema (tables and indices) and' data (numbers, strings, dates etc.)' handles table and column names which are not legal in MySQL (see MySQLName())' LIMITATIONS:' no foreign keys' no SPs, no triggers (MSSQL syntax incompatible to MySQL)' no views' no user defined data types (not yet supported by MySQL)' AUTO_INCREMENTs: MySQL does not support tables with more' than one AUTO_INCREMENT column; the AUTO_INCREMENT column' must also be a key column; the converter does not check this,' so use MSSQL to add an index to the AUTO_INCREMENT column' before starting the conversion' no privileges/access infos (the idea of logins/users in M$ SQL Server' is incompatible with user/group/database/table/column' privileges of MySQL)' cannot handle ADO type adFileTime yet' GUIDs not tested' fairly slow and no visible feedback during conversion process' for example, it takes 80 seconds to convert Northwind (2.8 MB data)' with M$SQL running on PII 350 (CPU=0) and this script running in' Excel 2000 on PII 400 (CPU=100); unfortunately, compiling the program' with VB6 does not make it any faster' tip: test with MAX_RECORDS = 10 first to see if it works for you at all' INTERNALS:' method: read database schema using DMO' read data using a ADO recordset' NECESSARY LIBRARIES:' ADODB (tested with 2.8, should also run with all versions >=2.1)' Connector/ODBC (testet with 3.51.11, should also run with older versions;' if you use MySQL server >= 4.1,' you MUST use Connector/ODBC >= 3.51.10!!!)' SQLDMO (tested with the version provided by M$ SQL Server 2000)' SCRIPTINGOption ExplicitOption Compare Text' -------------- change these constants before use! 'M$ SQL ServerConst MSSQL_SECURE_LOGIN = False 'login type (True for NT security)Const MSSQL_LOGIN_NAME = "" 'login name (for NT security use "" here)Const MSSQL_PASSWORD = "" 'password (for NT security use "" here)Const MSSQL_HOST = "(local)" 'hostname of M$ SQL Server; if localhost: use "(local)"Const MSSQL_DB_NAME = "Northwind" 'database nameConst OUTPUT_TO_FILE = 1 '1 --> write file (latin1 encoding); '0 --> connect to MySQL, execute SQL commands directly 'output file (only needed if OUTPUT_TO_FILE=1)Const OUTPUT_FILENAME = "c:\export.sql" 'connect to MySQL (only needed if OUTPUT_TO_FILE=0)Const MYSQL_USER_NAME = "root" 'login nameConst MYSQL_PASSWORD = "uranus" 'passwordConst MYSQL_HOST = "" 'if localhost: use "localhost"Const MYSQL_PORT = 3306 'change if you use another portConst MyODBCVersion = "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver" 'for MyODBC 2.51.* use "MySQL"Const NEW_DB_NAME = "" 'name of new MySQL database ("" if same as M$SQL db name) 'conversion optionsConst DROP_DATABASE = True 'begin with DROP dbname?Const MAX_RECORDS = 0 'max. nr of records per table (0 for all records, n for testing purposes)Const VARCHAR_MAX = 255 'max. nr of characters in VARCHAR '255 for MySQL <=5.0.2 'ca. 32000 for MySQL >= 5.0.3 (depends on char. set, max. 65535 bytes)Const TABLE_ENGINE = "InnoDB" 'MyISAM or InnoDBConst CHARSET = "utf8" 'character set for all text columnsConst COLLATION = "" 'collation; leave empty if you want to use the default collation for 'the specified character set' ----------------------------- don't change below here (unless you know what you are doing)Const SQLDMOIndex_DRIPrimaryKey = 2048Const SQLDMOIndex_Unique = 2Const adEmpty = 0Const adTinyInt = 16Const adSmallInt = 2Const adInteger = 3Const adBigInt = 20Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18Const adUnsignedInt = 19Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21Const adSingle = 4Const adDouble = 5Const adCurrency = 6Const adDecimal = 14Const adNumeric = 131Const adBoolean = 11Const adError = 10Const adUserDefined = 132Const adVariant = 12Const adIDispatch = 9Const adIUnknown = 13Const adGUID = 72Const adDate = 7Const adDBDate = 133Const adDBTime = 134Const adDBTimeStamp = 135Const adBSTR = 8Const adChar = 129Const adVarChar = 200Const adLongVarChar = 201Const adWChar = 130Const adVarWChar = 202Const adLongVarWChar = 203Const adBinary = 128Const adVarBinary = 204Const adLongVarBinary = 205Const adChapter = 136Const adFileTime = 64Const adPropVariant = 138Const adVarNumeric = 139Const adArray = &H2000Public dmoApplic 'As New SQLDMO.Application 'SQLDMO Application objectPublic dmoSrv 'As New SQLDMO.SQLServer 'SQLDMO Server objectPublic mssqlConn 'As New Connection 'ADO Connection to M$ SQL ServerPublic mysqlConn 'As New Connection 'ADO Connection to MySQLPublic fso 'As Scripting.FileSystemObjectPublic fileout 'AS FSO.TextStreamPublic Sub Main() Set dmoApplic = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application") Set dmoSrv = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer") Set mssqlConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set mysqlConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ConnectToDatabases ConvertDatabase MsgBox "done"End Sub' connect to M$ SQL Server and MySQLPrivate Sub ConnectToDatabases() dmoSrv.LoginTimeout = 10 On Error Resume Next ' DMO connection to M$ SQL Server If MSSQL_SECURE_LOGIN Then dmoSrv.LoginSecure = True dmoSrv.Connect MSSQL_HOST Else dmoSrv.LoginSecure = False dmoSrv.Connect MSSQL_HOST, MSSQL_LOGIN_NAME, MSSQL_PASSWORD End If If Err Then MsgBox "Sorry, cannot connect to M$ SQL Server. " & _ "Please edit the MSSQL constats at the beginning " & _ "of the code." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error End End If ' ADO connection to M$ SQL Server Dim tmpCStr$ tmpCStr = _ "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _ "Data Source=" & MSSQL_HOST & ";" & _ "Initial Catalog=" & MSSQL_DB_NAME & ";" If MSSQL_SECURE_LOGIN Then tmpCStr = tmpCStr & "Integrated Security=SSPI" Else tmpCStr = tmpCStr & _ "User ID=" & MSSQL_LOGIN_NAME & ";" & _ "Password=" & MSSQL_PASSWORD End If mssqlConn.ConnectionString = tmpCStr mssqlConn.Open If Err Then MsgBox "Sorry, cannot connect to M$ SQL Server. " & _ "Please edit the MSSQL constats at the beginning " & _ "of the code." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error End End If ' ADO connection to MySQL or open output file If (OUTPUT_TO_FILE = 0) Then mysqlConn.ConnectionString = _ "Provider=MSDASQL;" & _ "Driver=" & MyODBCVersion & ";" & _ "Server=" & MYSQL_HOST & ";" & _ "UID=" & MYSQL_USER_NAME & ";" & _ "PWD=" & MYSQL_PASSWORD & ";" & _ "Port=" & MYSQL_PORT mysqlConn.Open If Err Then MsgBox "Sorry, cannot connect to MySQL. " & _ "Please edit the MYSQL constats at the beginning " & _ "of the code." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error End End If Else Set fileout = fso.CreateTextFile(OUTPUT_FILENAME, Overwrite:=True) End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub ConvertDatabase() ' copy database schema Dim dmoDB 'As SQLDMO.Database Set dmoDB = dmoSrv.Databases(MSSQL_DB_NAME) DBDefinition dmoDB ' copy data CopyDB dmoDBEnd Sub' build SQL code to define one column' ColDefinition$(col As SQLDMO.Column)Function ColDefinition$(col) Dim cdef$ cdef = MySQLName(col.Name) & " " & DataType(col) If col.Default <> "" Then cdef = cdef & " DEFAULT " & col.Default End If If col.AllowNulls Then cdef = cdef & " NULL" Else cdef = cdef & " NOT NULL" End If If col.Identity Then cdef = cdef & " AUTO_INCREMENT" End If ColDefinition = cdefEnd Function' datatype transition M$ SQL Server --> MySQL' DataType$(col As SQLDMO.Column)Function DataType$(col) Dim oldtype$, length&, precision&, scal& Dim newtype$ oldtype = col.PhysicalDatatype length = col.length precision = col.NumericPrecision scal = col.NumericScale If LCase(oldtype) = "money" Then precision = 19 scal = 4 ElseIf LCase(oldtype) = "smallmoney" Then precision = 10 scal = 4 End If Select Case LCase(oldtype) ' integers Case "bit", "tinyint" newtype = "TINYINT" Case "smallint" newtype = "SMALLINT" Case "int" newtype = "INT" Case "bigint" newtype = "BIGINT" ' floating points Case "float" newtype = "DOUBLE" Case "real" newtype = "FLOAT" Case "decimal", "numeric", "money", "smallmoney" newtype = "DECIMAL(" & precision & ", " & scal & ")" ' strings Case "char", "nchar" If length < 255 Then newtype = "CHAR(" & length & ")" Else newtype = "TEXT" End If Case "varchar", "nvarchar" If length < VARCHAR_MAX Then newtype = "VARCHAR(" & length & ")" Else newtype = "TEXT" End If Case "text", "ntext" newtype = "LONGTEXT" ' date/time Case "datetime", "smalldatetime" newtype = "DATETIME" Case "timestamp" newtype = "TINYBLOB" ' binary and other Case "uniqueidentifier" newtype = "TINYBLOB" Case "binary", "varbinary" newtype = "BLOB" Case "image" newtype = "LONGBLOB" Case Else ' unknown data type, not supported Stop End Select DataType = newtypeEnd Function' IndexDefinition$(tbl As SQLDMO.Table, idx As SQLDMO.Index)Function IndexDefinition$(tbl, idx) Dim i& Dim tmp$ Dim col 'As SQLDMO.Column ' don't deal with system indices (used i.e. to ensure ref. integr.) If Left$(idx.Name, 1) = "_" Or Left$(idx.Name, 5) = "hind_" Then Exit Function ' index type (very incomplete !!!) If idx.Type And SQLDMOIndex_DRIPrimaryKey Then tmp = tmp & "PRIMARY KEY" ElseIf idx.Type And SQLDMOIndex_Unique Then tmp = tmp & "UNIQUE " & MySQLName(idx.Name) Else tmp = tmp & "INDEX " & MySQLName(idx.Name) End If ' index columns tmp = tmp & "(" For i = 1 To idx.ListIndexedColumns.Count Set col = idx.ListIndexedColumns(i) tmp = tmp & MySQLName(col.Name) ' specify index length If Right$(DataType(col), 4) = "BLOB" Or Right$(DataType(col), 4) = "TEXT" Then tmp = tmp & "(" & IIf(col.length < 255, col.length, 255) & ")" End If ' seperate, if more than one index column If i < idx.ListIndexedColumns.Count Then tmp = tmp & "," Next tmp = tmp & ")" IndexDefinition = tmpEnd Function' build SQL code to define one table' TableDefinition$(tbl As SQLDMO.Table)Function TableDefinition$(tbl) Dim i& Dim tmp$, ixdef$ ' table tmp = "CREATE TABLE " & _ MySQLName(tbl.Name) & vbCrLf & "(" For i = 1 To tbl.Columns.Count tmp = tmp & ColDefinition(tbl.Columns(i)) If i < tbl.Columns.Count Then tmp = tmp & ", " & vbCrLf End If Next ' indices For i = 1 To tbl.Indexes.Count ixdef = IndexDefinition(tbl, tbl.Indexes(i)) If ixdef <> "" Then tmp = tmp & ", " & vbCrLf & ixdef End If Next tmp = tmp & ")" ' engine tmp = tmp & " ENGINE " & TABLE_ENGINE ' characterset tmp = tmp & " CHARACTER SET " & CHARSET ' collation If COLLATION <> "" Then tmp = tmp & " COLLATION " & COLLATION End If TableDefinition = tmpEnd Function' build SQL code to define database (all tables)' DBDefinition(db As SQLDMO.Database)Sub DBDefinition(db) Dim i& Dim sql, dbname$ dbname = NewDBName(db) If DROP_DATABASE Then sql = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " & dbname ExecuteSQL sql End If sql = "CREATE DATABASE " & dbname ExecuteSQL sql For i = 1 To db.Tables.Count If Not db.Tables(i).SystemObject Then sql = TableDefinition(db.Tables(i)) ExecuteSQL sql End If NextEnd Sub' copy content of all M$ SQL Server tables to new MySQL database' CopyDB(msdb As SQLDMO.Database)Sub CopyDB(msdb) Dim i& Dim tmp$ ExecuteSQL "USE " & NewDBName(msdb) For i = 1 To msdb.Tables.Count If Not msdb.Tables(i).SystemObject Then CopyTable msdb.Tables(i) End If NextEnd Sub' copy content of one table from M$ SQL Server to MySQL' CopyTable(mstable As SQLDMO.Table)Sub CopyTable(mstable) Dim rec ' As Recordset Dim sqlInsert$, sqlValues$ Dim i&, recordCounter& Set rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rec.Open "SELECT * FROM [" & mstable.Name & "]", mssqlConn ' build beginning statement of SQL INSERT command ' for example: INSERT INTO tablename (column1, column2) sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO " & MySQLName(mstable.Name) & " (" For i = 0 To rec.Fields.Count - 1 sqlInsert = sqlInsert & MySQLName(rec.Fields(i).Name) If i <> rec.Fields.Count - 1 Then sqlInsert = sqlInsert & ", " End If Next sqlInsert = sqlInsert & ") " ' for each recordset in M$SS table: build sql statement Do While Not rec.EOF sqlValues = "" For i = 0 To rec.Fields.Count - 1 sqlValues = sqlValues & DataValue(rec.Fields(i)) If i <> rec.Fields.Count - 1 Then sqlValues = sqlValues & ", " End If Next ExecuteSQL sqlInsert & " VALUES(" & sqlValues & ")" rec.MoveNext ' counter recordCounter = recordCounter + 1 If MAX_RECORDS <> 0 Then If recordCounter >= MAX_RECORDS Then Exit Do End If LoopEnd Sub' data transition M$ SQL Server --> MySQL' DataValue$(fld As ADO.Field)Function DataValue$(fld) If IsNull(fld.Value) Then DataValue = "NULL" Else Select Case fld.Type ' integer numbers Case adBigInt, adInteger, adSmallInt, adTinyInt, adUnsignedBigInt, adUnsignedInt, adUnsignedSmallInt, adUnsignedTinyInt DataValue = fld.Value ' decimal numbers Case adCurrency, adDecimal, adDouble, adNumeric, adSingle, adVarNumeric DataValue = Str(fld.Value) If Not InStr(DataValue, ".") > 0 Then DataValue = DataValue & ".0" End If ' boolean Case adBoolean DataValue = IIf(fld.Value, 1, 0) ' date, time Case adDate, adDBDate, adDBTime DataValue = Format(fld.Value, "'yyyy-mm-dd Hh:Nn:Ss'") Case adDBTimeStamp DataValue = Format(fld.Value, "yyyymmddHhNnSs") Case adFileTime ' todo Beep Stop ' strings Case adBSTR, adChar, adLongVarChar, adVarChar, adLongVarWChar, adVarWChar, adWChar DataValue = "'" & Quote(fld.Value) & "'" ' binary and other Case adGUID DataValue = HexCodeGUID(fld.Value) Case adLongVarBinary, adVarBinary DataValue = HexCode(fld.Value) End Select End IfEnd Function' converts a Byte-array into a hex string' HexCode$(bytedata() As Byte)Function HexCode(bytedata) Dim i& Dim tmp$ tmp = "" For i = LBound(bytedata) To UBound(bytedata) If bytedata(i) <= 15 Then tmp = tmp + "0" + Hex(bytedata(i)) Else tmp = tmp + Hex(bytedata(i)) End If Next HexCode = "0x" + tmpEnd Function' converts a String into a hex string' HexCode$(bytedata() As Byte)Function HexCodeStr(bytedata) Dim i&, b& Dim tmp$ tmp = "" For i = 1 To LenB(bytedata) b = AscB(MidB(bytedata, i, 1)) If b <= 15 Then tmp = tmp + "0" + Hex(b) Else tmp = tmp + Hex(b) End If Next HexCodeStr = "0x" + tmpEnd Function' returns name of new database' NewDBName$(db As SQLDMO.Database)Function NewDBName$(db) If NEW_DB_NAME = "" Then NewDBName = db.Name Else NewDBName = NEW_DB_NAME End IfEnd Function' quote ' " and \; replace chr(0) by \0Function Quote(tmp) tmp = Replace(tmp, "\", "\\") tmp = Replace(tmp, """", "\""") tmp = Replace(tmp, "'", "\'") Quote = Replace(tmp, Chr(0), "\0")End Function' to translate MSSQL names to legal MySQL names' replace blank, -, ( and ) by '_'Function MySQLName(tmp) tmp = Replace(tmp, " ", "_") tmp = Replace(tmp, "-", "_") tmp = Replace(tmp, "(", "_") MySQLName = "`" & Replace(tmp, ")", "_") & "`"End Function' either execute SQL command or write it into fileFunction ExecuteSQL(sql) If OUTPUT_TO_FILE Then fileout.WriteLine sql & ";" If Left$(sql, 6) <> "INSERT" Then fileout.WriteLine End If Else mysqlConn.Execute sql End IfEnd Function' this event procedures starts the converter if it is run as a VB6 programmPrivate Sub Form_Load() Main EndEnd Sub' converts a GUID string into a hex string without formatFunction HexCodeGUID(bytedata) Dim tmp$ If Len(bytedata) = 38 Then tmp = Mid(bytedata, 2, 8) + Mid(bytedata, 11, 4) + Mid(bytedata, 16, 4) _ + Mid(bytedata, 21, 4) + Mid(bytedata, 26, 12) Else tmp = "00" End If HexCodeGUID = "0x" + tmpEnd Function' uncomment the following lines if you are using Office 97,' which does not have the Replace function include; please' note that this Replace function is much slower than the' built-in version in Office 2000/VB6'' to replace all occurrences of a string within a string' Function Replace(tmp, fromStr, toStr)' Dim leftOff&' Dim pos&' leftOff = 1' Do While InStr$(leftOff, tmp, fromStr) > 0' pos = InStr$(leftOff, tmp, fromStr)' tmp = Left$(tmp, pos - 1) + toStr + Mid$(tmp, pos + Len(fromStr), Len(tmp))' leftOff = pos + Len(fromStr) + 1' Loop' Replace = tmp' End Function